
Great moments in SF Gay History (not!) PART 2.

The Mug Shot

If anybody deverves to be World Famous in San Francisco it's this guy. Matier and Ross, in this weekend's SF Gate, dubbed him "the fire-starting, tomato-tossing boyfriend of new San Francisco Planning Director John Rahaim"

His real name is Lance Farber, he's a chiropractor and wouldn't you know it, like me he's originally from Michigan. Those mid-westerners are such nice people. Salt of the earth and all. I have to admit, I love this guy. Who hasn't wanted to light their boyfriends bed on fire at one time or another? I have ever since I saw Farrah Fawcett in that awesome TV Movie.

I did a little internet snooping on Lance, found his New Age chiropractic website and this little graphic displayed on it made me chuckle:

It neatly sums up his alcohol-fueled lovers' spat (in court Farber pled guilty to setting a bed on fire and tossing an open can of tomatoes through the city's historic fire chief's house, staining the walls, causing close to $50,000 in damage). Think about it, the experience must have been "emotional", the damage "structural", and the effects from alcohol "biochemical"!

Friends and family insist Farber is no danger to the public and needs treatment for alcohol addiction. His pleading guilty has secured his release from jail. I think he needs to drop the "new age" spiritualism. That shit will make you crazy. I think the gay rock & roll community needs to show it's love and support for this guy. We should throw a benefit to help out with his legal troubles. San Francisco needs to show Lance Farber the love. Maybe Puce Moment, The Passionistas and Carletta Sue Kay could put on a show with proceeds going to Lance. I'm sure the 30 bucks we raised would come in real handy right about now.

1 comment:

ohnochriso said...

I felt like a mean queen for gently pushing someone out of my way at Trans Am when he would not stop backing into me during a drunken make-out sesh. But, thanks to Lance, I now know I am not a hateful, antisocial bitch. I'm totally willing to give him all the merch proceeds from an EXBF show - it's $10-20 he doesn't have yet!