
photos: puce moment

Elton Tom was all "don't post these, we only ever post about stuff Myles and I are in". At first I was going to go along with that because, well, its true. And, the photos are maybe a bit more Lucifer Rising than Puce Moment. But, I'm going to post them anyway because I don't really have anything else to talk about and there's three other people in the band and he's not actually in the photos because a) Drummers are hard to photograph, b) drummers are always in the back and c) the show was at the knockout and the light is terrible there. So whatever. The band was pretty good -- guitar and keyboard songs that maybe sound like they're from New Zealand. But maybe they don't -- in addition to bad lighting the sound at the knockout isn't the greatest (but we love the knockout anyway). It was a good first impression.



Also, this band fpodbpod played and they were pretty good despite their name and the fact they're into being the deli's band of the month. I just listened to their myspace and its weird, they were so much more electric live. I think maybe they're better live. Go see them and don't click on that link. Greg Ashley also played but he should stick to the full band thing because his cute, pudgy little face can only take that acoustic guitar so far. Seriously.


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