
blogging is hard

Look, its totally hard to keep a blog going when everybody who writes for the blog is having some kind of real life happening. Real life??? Don't worry though, we're not quitting like some other blogs out there! Check this:

* My computer is busted up. I'm blogging on the sly from work!
* Myles is moving and looking for a job. Got any leads? Help him out!
* Elton is totally in Florida where blogging doesn't exist.
* Some of us are starting a record label. Its true!
* Some of us (not me, I'm not award winning. yet.) are off winning awards, also true! With video:


M said...

I also won a kid's Thanksgiving card contest. I won't get into the details... but let's just say feel really bad about it and I didn't mean to enter.

If you get a Thanksgiving day card in the mail from a non-profit with a Turkey on roller blades, I made it.

Sorry to all those hundreds of school children who lost. I kinda kicked all your butts. Sorry.

AaronMayfieldSunshine said...

It's cool that I'm giving an awards speech, but its not cool that it looks like i'm wearing blue jeans. I was in fact wearing Peacock AA pants, and they look amazing on me, and they are super-bright and wills camera did not capture that at all. He really needs to go hi-def to capture me.

alisha said...

I was inspired by your friendly blogging reminder...new posts at sylvia vs. alisha!

Will said...

Make me some money so I can buy a hi-def camera.