
San Diego's Burning

I've been listening to The Peppermints for ten years. They are definitely one of my favorite bands. I met Emmy through a friend way back in high school. Emmy was from San Diego, in this band called The Peppermints, and the one of the coolest dressed girls I had ever seen in my life. Emmy gave me a long cassette of some demos they had made. I ended up putting some of the songs on a punk compilation I made in high school. Their demo was amazing and is still one of my most treasured pieces of music.

The Peppermints are now scattered throughout North America (but still active I'm sure) which is a good thing. I get the feeling they exhausted the San Diego scene. I ran into one of the people who book for Scolari's Office a couple years ago at a house party here in San Francisco. I mentioned The Peppermints and how excited I was that their album, Jesüs Chryst, was being released on Paw Tracks. She replied with "yeah but The Peppermints suuuuuuck" in a squinty eyed almost about to spew kind of way.

I love you Peppermints! I hope the wildfire burns that bitch from Scolari's Office and not you!

1 comment:

DEAD EYE said...

ewwwww, jerme rogers is an ugly ugly kid.
brutally brilliant kickflip shifty, tho.