
the reunion bandwagon

Damn people, just leave it in the ground. I don't know why everybody has to reunite all the time and make us deal with your old music when there's (supposedly) new music that should be being heard. I won't get into who was good or who wasn't good becuase when I take stock of how many of these reunion shows I've been to I realize I have no business complaining. Not that that ever stops me!

Crime, legendary San Francisco punks, reunites in their own difficult way this friday for a record release party celebrating their new, vinyl only, album, Exalted Masters. Thats right, vinyl only. How's that for a music uprising, fuzz?

If you couldnt' tell from what I wrote above, I'll be there. I've always really liked Crime -- ever since I realized they wrote my favorite song on one of my favorite Sonic Youth albums. (Sister, duh. Read the liners!) That or maybe I just like a guy in a cop uniform, I do respond to authority.

September 21, 7PM
SF Amoeba

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