
myspace of the weak

Speaking of fuzz.com, elton tom had a good idea for a new feature which I'm going to steal from him: Myspace of the Weak. So on top of our weekly myspace page highlighting something about San Francisco we love we're going to occasionally throw one out there that highlights something we think is kinda, um, lame.

Sadly, we kinda think fuzz is kinda lame. The idea sounds like it has potential -- a service which focuses its efforts on giving local/independent artists the tools to manage their own promotion and distribution, potentially allowing them to get their music heard on the same level as music with a big industry push behind it (speaking of, how does somebody like Fall Out Boy get a big industry push???). But it seems, in practice, that fuzz is only interested in:

  • pushing bands which already sound like the stuff with a big industry push behind it (First Release? The Lovemakers who unabashedly say they want to make corparate rock and make it big in corporate rock). Whats the uprising again?
  • becoming the new myspace. witness:

Which brings me back to the point of this posting. Where did I find that image?
On their page they ask bands to post that image as their main image and come on over to fuzz. I haven't seen that image popping up though, not even on The Lovemakers myspace page.

edit, 9/20: After I posted this I was thinking I should have said a little more about fuzz other than "They don't like the music I like and they have a myspace page!". I was thinking I should have said "They don't promote music I like or a new musical viewpoint, they have a myspace page, and the site is hard to use and the tone they take with the end user (kinda 'cool'/disaffected) is a bit offputting" and then followed it up with "Maybe its time to try a different approach". This morning there was an email from the fuzz team promising big improvements -- so maybe they are going to try something new. Thats cool, I'm looking forward to it. Really! I think the fuzz.com idea is neat. But I bet the goat hasn't gotten better taste in music, so nyah!


M said...

Unless they can get fans on their site I don't see how it's gonna work. It seems like people (in bands) are the only ones using it... and they're using it for self promotion.

I think the fuzz idea is interesting... but it doesn't seem to have a voice. That goat isn't enough. At least MySpace had Tom. I think MySpace records also signed better artists like Mikey Avalon. I am not a Mikey Avalon fan, but I will say that he did spark my interest.

Is it just me, or does Scott Blonde from The Lovemakers look like Mikey Avalon? Can Fuzz.com be that different from MySpace if the sign, essentially, the same washed out and put away wet skinny white straight guy trying to rap with his shirt off that wishes he was Mick Jagger?

Donna Lethal said...

blimps are NOT cool. remember the hindenburg? not a way to go.