
Numbers Record Release!

Apparently, Numbers are now a pop band. Maybe this is old news, but maybe there's a lot of people like me who overindulged in this band the summer of 2002 and then couldn't really bear to hear them anymore. At anyrate, I don't know if this is natural evolution or a calculated move since the post punk revival has ended, but either way I was pleasantly surprised when I found I actually wanted to listen to all of the mp3s over at Upset The Rhythm from their new album, Now You Are This. Exciting!

Anyway, they're having a record release this Saturday at the Elbo Room:

hey all! our new record, "now you are this" comes out this week on kill rock stars and we are psyched! come celebrate with us this coming saturday...

that's AUGUST 25th!

@ the ELBO ROOM in san francisco


of course NUMBERS playin all the new jams!

it's gonna be awesome

see ya there!

oooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxindra numbers

We're going to be in LA for a certain birthday spectacular, but if we weren't we'd be at this. And we wouldn't be too cool, too cool to say hi.

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