
Kiss and Tell

Why doesn't The Make Out Room ever use its marquee to promote the upcoming shows? Are they too lazy? Are they putting the money they save from not changing it towards a new sound system? Is it because they know nobody's going to come anyway? Come on, its a rock 'n roll club not a sex club!


ohnochriso said...

I was thinking of this the other night when I drove by it and IT'S FULL OF LETTERS AND WORDS AND NONE OF THEM ARE ABOUT UPCOMING BANDS.

I kind of hate it there anyways because the drum riser area is not big enough and you always feel like you're going to topple down onto your bandmates.

M said...

This is taken from their website:


Starting in September there will be
no more live music Monday-Thursday.

Live music will continue on Friday and Saturday nights from 7:30-9:30 with 2 acts only, then we have a regular DJ event that follows at 10pm - asbsolutely no exceptions. We will also continue to have live music on Sunday nights.

Kind regards,
Make-Out Room

Bubeau said...

Marty used to put bands names on there, every week, but after the 12th billionth week he got sick of it and stopped.

So, yeah, lazy.