
Hella $ketchy

Dude, LOTS of lesbians almost died near 24th and St. Francis on Sunday. Photographer Christelle Imperial de Castro filmed the aftermath. She makes a cUtE cameo in some sort of Mickey Mouse Michael Jaskson paperboy-like outfit. So basically, the haterz need to stop shooting at lesbians. Stop shooting at lesbians K thnx cause if they die no 1 will be able to take good pix of yer band.


ohnochriso said...

Is it me or are people getting waaaay too trigger happy in this city?

Elton Tom (this could be you!!! send us some dirt, good tips and stuff.) said...

well Bill O'Reilly warned us about the pink pistol packing lesbian gangs, maybe it was turf war?

ohnochriso said...

Damn those lesbians and their bloodlust!!

M said...

Lesbians are really up to no good, basically.