
show review: no doctors record release

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A few Fridays ago No Doctors had their record release at the Elbo Room with Wooden Shjips, Fuckwolf, and Sic Alps. Also, it was a Jack Daniels promotional night where they were giving away a guitar. I kind of hate those promotional night, but they're also kind of hilarious. I mention it only because the Elbo Room was super bitchy this night. Supposedly some dude on the internet named grandma put us on the list but when we got there this lady at the door made this huge production about how we weren't on the list. I hope he was just saying that to get people to go to the show, that's great promotion! Anyway, I offered to pay, but this woman had a big deal to make about it for five minutes before letting me pay. I'm sure she had to, all sorts of people were probably trying to pull a mentos to get at that guitar.

We've been reviewing a lot of shows lately so I'm just going to stick to the highlights:

Sic Alps - Everybody loves these guys. I wanted to like them, but enough with the vocal effects already. Every song doesn't need to sound like its coming from deep within a cave, even if that cave does seem to sound really good.

Fuckwolf - So, they've added bongos. I heard they were becoming the next Faust. I don't know if I agree with that, but the bongos ruled. Their crazy dance dub destroy manifesto is totally extreme. Somewhere in the middle of the set it feels like you can't be take anymore, but they know better. These guys continue to be one of my favorites.

Wooden Shjips - Good news! This performance wasn't limp at all and the drummer wasn't slacking. Bad news! They still have no stage presence. Beer time!

No Doctors - Unlike Wooden Shjips, No Doctors owns the stage. I like their classic rock schtick, but I can see how its not for everybody. Two guitars, sax, and drums. Who needs bass after fuckwolf anyway?

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