
Vincent Gallo's Backline.

Jeff Ray, what a maroon! Look what he posted on the SF Indie list!

Vincent Gallo's Backline

I need two fender showman's w/ 15" speaker cabs
you get in free.
This is for tomorrow show.
Take Care,
Jeff Ray

Jeff, I've got news for you. They cost money and you can rent them here http://www.sirsf.com/Guitaramps.html...(but if anybody does have these rare and expensive amplifiers and you do lend them to Jeff/Vincent please write us and let us know, we will want to ask you how the free show was!) I have to say, it's almost kind of sweet that you'd think the humourless shrills at the SF indie list (not everyone, you know who you are!) would do anything other than self promote, list their Friday Five, and last but not least wreak psychological warfare and actually lend a visiting musician gear. The festival must be taking it's toll.

Elton Tom
World Famous in SF

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