
MCMF Tonight from Chicago! Chamber Strings

photo by Jim Newberry

Wow, thanks again to the Mission Creek Music Festival, in conjuction with Neil Martinson and SMILE! There's something to do in this town. One night only, from the Windy City! Chamber Strings. We can 't wait. Tonight Cafe du Nord! We hope it's not sold out. Also appearing, Persephonee's Bees and the Dilettantes. Ohhh! There's some history there. (Keep Mike Farrell and Kevin Junior apart from one another!)



M said...

I walked by that show last night. My curiosity went limp at the fifteen dollar door. I was gonna go inside, to figure out where to put various balloons for my record release. I also wanted to ask the sound guy if we could have a smoke machine. I hope it's not against fire code.

Instead I went to the Transfer to see hey willpower. It was fun. My friend Sylvia was having her birthday. Everyone sang to her; it was seeew sweet.

Tonight I'm going to the Hemlock. I'm gonna see Port O'brien. We grew up in the same shithole town. We are completely different. He loves where we came from. I dunno... maybe I'm immature. Or maybe I'm just gay.

I hope it goes well. I haven't seen him in years. I'm gonna try to figure out how he got on Pitchfork. I doubt it was through that metal dude that works at Aquarius.

ohnochriso said...

Is it too mean to say I hate the band name "Persephone's Bees?" I don't know their music so I am not dissing them musically. But every time I see their band name I am filled with hatred. It has stopped me from even wanting to hear them!

M said...

I ran into Neil last night. He said they lost a bunch of money at this show, even though it was well attended. I guess some of Mission Creek's corporate sponsorship fell through. I guess there were other problems too.

I don't see why they, Mission Creek, have so many shows... they showcase, like, 200 bands or something. It's oversaturated and confusing for everyone. They should cut it way back... to make sure every show is well attended and worth-it.

Jenny said...

I was almost there! Wanted to hear JonF deejay. Didn't bother when I found out the totally ridiculous cover charge. Stayed home and watched Straight-Jacket instead. Saving my fifteen bucks for The Clientele show this Saturday.