
Shameless in San Francisco

Hello Dear Readers! Awhile back we posted about Shameless in San Francisco. This is the concept, if you put us on your guestlist, we'll review your show and write about it on World Famous in SF! Well, we have been offered tickets to the Passionistas record release show as part of the Shameless in San Francisco campaign! We will write about every aspect of this show. You should check it out too! Say hi to us, we'll have clipboards and will be wearing glasses. We'll also be holding a microphone taping the show so we can compare our notes while listening to the Passionistas actual performance.

Here's the details!
Record Release
The Passionistas

June, 8 2007 at God's Boat record release with Special Guests @ Cafe Du Nord
2174 Market St., San Francisco, California 94114
Cost : Free if you are Shameless in San Francisco!

!!!****Special message from the Passionistas: "Our record God's Boat is coming out on New and Used Records. Really special guests. Sorry can't tell you yet."

1 comment:

Donna Lethal said...

please, please make tshirts of "Oprah goes to Auschwitz"