
SXSW: Deathbomb Arc/The Smell showcase (pt. 3)

Ok, last post about this show, for real. Seriously though, it was super fun and its too bad we couldn't have all been there together. The Hard Place set was maybe up in the air as they didn't have, you know, like amps and stuff. But Devon Williams was a total super hero and lent the band, like, everything. Their live show is totally evolving -- moving from the territory of birthday party glitter and fake blood theatrics into a full on adult super show. At one point I found Actually Huizenga humping my leg! Being Hard Place's label I might be biased, but I thought they were super great. If that doesn't sound objective, just look at the photos!

Hard Place

Hard Place

Magic Johnson taught me something. They taught me that you can be avant punk rock and do an a cappella version of a dolly parton (ironic) classic. When in more punk rock mode, this guy would sing into his guitar pickups, which I found endearing. Sadly, no photos of that but here's one in more standard mode:

Magic Johnson

The last band I caught was KIT (sadly, I had to take off before Anavan). This band is a little on the aggro, screamo, nineties post hard core side of things which I'm not as into these days. But these guys were really great. I like bands that mingle with the audience while they're playing. I was particularly impressed by the guitar which was way catchier and more immediate than I remember it being on record. I wrote to a friend "You know what, I was wrong. They aren't too nineties sxe underground post hard core."




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