
Great Moments in SF Gay History (Not!) pt.1

This is one of my favorite articles by Dennis Conklin from the Bay Area Reporter, I don't know what I like best about it. This actually happened in December of 1995. I thought I should just scan in the article because if I just retyped it nobody would have believed it was true. In all seriousness I'm sure for the victims this was horrifying, but the details in the article; from the can of Coke to the rather detailed description of the assailant, are hilarious. Enjoy!


ohnochriso said...

That is possibly the best news piece ever written on this planet. Moist towelettes!! That will totally take care of ANY acid burn!

Donna Lethal said...

Acid! Acid! It's eating ... um. Oddly enough, I just watched this the other nite: http://imdb.com/title/tt0790706/

Donna Lethal said...

ps. "working with Frenchy's regional management" is going to be my next myspace occupation.