
Gaze ♥ Vanity Jams II

This post is follow up to our August post about vanity jams. The video for Kid Sister's Pro Nails finally came out today. I'm really disappointed that Memphis Tennessee's Project Pat wasn't featured in the video as the hook does come from the first verse of his fairly recent song Good Googly Moogly. It would have been cool to have him in the video, I hope they invited him.

As for the video, I'm not that impressed. It's kind of what you'd expect. It features all the coolest people from Chicago wearing ironic early 90s clothes. Take a look for yourself:

Project Pat featuring Three 6 Mafia - Good Googly Moogly

1 comment:

ohnochriso said...

So the popularity of Li'l Mama's "Lipgloss" now means we'll have to hear dozens of tracks with female MCs rapping about their favorite beauty products?

I can hardly contain my lack of excitement.