
passionistas review on the deli

There's a nice review of The Passionistas show at Trans Am over on the deli (shhhh!). I missed the show, but I've scored some photos:

Photos by Geof Teague
Those boys (and gal) know their audience. I did actually make an appearance at the club, but after the bands and the drag queens and the general faggotry. Even though it was late (by San Francisco standards that is) the gays still seemed to be out -- so it seems I wasn't out past the general buggery. There was a pretty good dj downstairs playing some standard eighties fare (siouxie and the like) but I heard some Opal and that was cool. Upstairs was this other DJ and his fall out boy record collection -- I don't really know what that could have been about, some kind of ironic fraternity boy worship? -- and I needed to get away from that fast but Myles and I were asked to pose for gay.com. Completely absurd, we can't wait to see what that looks like!


ohnochriso said...

I should've mentioned in my review how totally Dolly Parton it is for two of the Passionistas to rock a string/rope guitar strap. See?

J. Franchini said...

You are so incredibly invalid it's not even funny. If your tired little scenester ass would've spent more than five minutes upstairs (which I know for a FACT you didn't), you would've heard about 17 different genres of music. Get. Bent.

Btw, you won't see yourself, because (and your weak little mind can't fathom this) YOU DIDN'T SEND IN THE PHOTO RELEASE FORM!!!


Elton Tom (this could be you!!! send us some dirt, good tips and stuff.) said...

am I the only one who loves getting a bad review as much as getting a good one? i honestly think they're funny, harmless and just someone else's opinion, right or wrong, that's all. i have had more fun reading someone trash me or my band than i have had watching Ellen cry on TV over her dog. it's all about getting noticed, creating an impression, good or bad.

while I do not agree with johnny evil calling out mr. smears for being a scenester at least he signed his name to his comment, it seems most of the readers unhappy with this blog do not have the courage to do so. this allowed me to check out his myspace page and to be honest, he kind of looks like a scenester. maybe it does take one to know one.

ohnochriso said...

Clearly they aren't invalid to you, johnny_evil, or you wouldn't have come over here and had such a massive freakout.