
XXX-Mas Kitten Controversy Solved!!!!

Last Holiday Season Ashley Huizenga, Freddy Christy and the rest of the Hard Place gang decided to make a video Christmas Card as a thank you to friends and fans. Once posted on YouTube, the clip somehow generated over 55,000 hits.

For a harmless little video, most of the comments were extremely negative and surprisingly hostile! Here's a sample of the most amusing;

.......Americans see this and think "Europeans are stupid"
Europeans see US presidential elections/iraq war/reports on obesity and gun crime and think "Americans are stupid"......

......Yeah, because the US is the first country to attack another with little/no provocation...oh wait, wasn't that England? or Germany? or France? or Spain? or Portugal? So many colonies and conquests..I can't keep track anymore!......

.....Fuck americans and their shitty music.....

.....A cross between A Clockwork Orange, The Arcade Fire (if they sucked) and a massive, massive acid trip.....

.....Just...Wow. Thankyou b3ta. Definitely American, you can't hide the knucklehead accent (much as they're trying). As for you pwnednoob, European conquesting stopped about a hundred years ago, whereas the "Land of the Free" that remains prejudiced against African Americans and shot peaceful protesters in the 60's seems to be getting a taste for imperialism......

O.K. Enough with the negative comments. Can you believe that shit? However, other people liked it and were amused by XXX-MAS Kitten. I found this on You Tube today so for all you haters, here's proof that XXX-Mas Kitten spreads joy around the world:

For those of you who haven't seen the original, you can do so here.

XXX-Mas Kitten


M said...

I wish that guy would turn to the camera so we can see if he is hot or not. He's probably hot.

M said...

Oh, also, here is funny clip of 50 cent on Jimmy Kimmel talking about haters on YouTube and blogs. It's funneh! It's @ 1:25
