
stolen moments

The Pompeii Forever party was awesome, and there will be a post about it sometime this week, but there's one story I'd like to share now. At the end of the evening, when everything was covered in confetti lava from fake Vesuvius, I changed out of my awesome polka dotted toga (sorry, no pictures!) that Hazel made and back into my street clothes. I'd had my camera with me so I set it down next to me while I changed. When I had finished changing, I could not find the camera. Admittedly, I'd had a few drinks so maybe I knocked it on the floor or maybe I hadn't even had it with me. I checked the floor: nope. I asked elton tom: nope. I rummaged around the couch where jocelyn was sacked out: nope. I checked all flat surfaces: nope. I know I'm not that drunk and I'm tired of looking, it must've been stolen. This is a total bummer because a) I liked the photos I got and b) ew, gross. We let the people still at the party know the camera was missing and took off.

A few hours later we get a call saying the camera had been found, so awesome. When I look through the photos I see this:

Me asking elton if he's seen my camera.

Me checking my clothes for my camera.

Probably the guy who took my camera.

OK, so like, I mean no harm no foul and these photos did make me laugh, but seriously. Didn't you go to kindergarten? You don't just take, you ask. Geez!


M said...

This is too funny.

joel said...

i'm sorry jeremy, but that whole story about a guy stealing yr camera and taking pictures of you looking for it made me LOL...

i am a terrible friend.
