
World Famous in SF Field Trip! Sat. July 21st!

Hello dear readers,

We love you, especially those of you out there who leave comments. To celebrate we're having a field trip, but not just anybody can come along. Where are we going? How will we get there? Who's going to pay for it? Will there be food?

Here's the poop, Jeremy Smears just came back from Vegas with a buttload of cash. So we've purchased 30 tickets to the upcoming Lovemakers/Honeycut show on Saturday July 21st. at Bimbo's. We're serious, we've even reserved the Mexican Party Bus and plan on stopping for dinner at the Silver Crest Diner (on us!) at 7 p.m.

I know what your thinking, World Famous in SF has savaged and ravaged both of these bands on this website. What's the deal? Keep reading, you'll find out.

We expect to arrive at Bimbo's, on the bus at 9 p.m. so we might miss the opening band, Everest. Anyway, do you want free tickets and dinner or donuts plus cocktails at the Silver Crest diner, mexican party bus with keg, lots of perscription drugs and free condom giveaway? (we recommend you bring a flask)

What do you have to do to win a Permission Slip? Well funny you should ask. All you have to do is post a comment that states what you would scream i.e. heckle at both Honeycut and the Lovemakers if you were in the front row at the show. The 15 most hilarious comments get a World Famous in SF Permission slip which will gain you and a guest entry on the mexican party bus. Once on the bus you'll get your ticket for Bimbo's.

Come on hecklers, I know you've got it in you, and who doesn't love a good heckler? I know what I'm going to yell! ("Fuzz.com, Fuzz.com!" at the Lovemakers and "Jamiroquai!" at Honeycut.) But here's the catch, you have to promise that you'll stand in the front row with all of us and yell out your award winning comment, if you don't we won't give you a ride home AND we'll be really mad at you. How cool is it to be dropped off at home on the Mexican Party Bus? For those of you who do not get a permission slip there will be runner up prizes as well, we have three t-shirts (American Apparel) to choose from:

1. AIDS Happens

2. I Don't Have AIDS, But My Boyfriend Does

3. Nobody Knows I Have AIDS

If that's not an incentive to come up with a good heckle I don't know what is. Don't let us down, we don't want to be the only people there heckling Honeycut and the Lovemakers.


Legs Giniger said...

I love it! Especially since this Saturday looks like it's gonna be dead dead dead.

My heckle to Lovemakers would be, "Play Walking in L.A.".


Legs Giniger said...

Or how about "Blue-Eyed Soul!"

Danger said...

"I wanna take your cock and wrap it in a Kraft single to make a grilled cheese sandwich!"

ilovethemakers said...


BeatYourAss said...

I'm going to yell, "Elton Tom and Jeremy Smears suck sloppy cock!"

Brian said...

For the Lovemakers: "Hey Scott! Simon LeBon just callled. He wants his wardrobe AND his poses back!"

For Honeycut: "Play Crazy! Wait, where the fuck is Cee-Lo!?!??"

Unknown said...

"What the fuck is this shit? I thought you guys were a Metallica tribute band!"

stupidity_rules said...

and this is what the sf music scene has come to? pathetic.

go back to high school.

M said...

stupidity_rules needs to buzz.com off. Like, fer real. What scene are you even talking about?

This is the coolest contest ever! 2 hard 2 hate on!

Unknown said...

only dumbasses go to shows to yell nasty shit at bands they secretly love.

Anonymous said...

Jesus. You two are serious douche bags.

"Honeycut (we don't know what to say, we love Bart solo, kind of like a bad Jamiroquai!)"

I don't know what to say either, dear bloggers. You're like a stupid, boring version of Perez Hilton?

GET. A. LIFE. A rented Mexican party bus full of hecklers screams, 'Jackass' to me. Were you unpopular in high school and still pissed off about it? Was Daddy an alcoholic? You secretly want to do it with Bart but that's dirty...? Let me guess, you were a bed wetter? Maybe?

Or maybe you're just a talentless bore attempting to cash in on other peoples' hard work and passion. Whatever it is, leave your malice at home or at least limit it to the confines of this ridiculous blog.

Also, stay the fuck out of my way on Saturday.

Jealous much,

Elton Tom (this could be you!!! send us some dirt, good tips and stuff.) said...

It's a total gag, There's no bus, we'd never do that. Gosh. We thought it was pretty obvious.

Anonymous said...


I see.


M said...


You're totally mean.

Unknown said...

what?!?! s.l. is mean for his/her comments, but these guys aren't mean for orchestrating this bullshit fieldtrip? how does that work?

cuz i for one am not buying the whole, 'this is just a joke' bit.

ohnochriso said...

It actually is a joke. Are you completely and utterly retarded? Who on earth would spend the amount of money it takes to rent that fucking bus just to go see two bands they don't even like?

I cry for the Internets.

Elton Tom (this could be you!!! send us some dirt, good tips and stuff.) said...

I'd like to thank everyone for leaving comments. I was bummed we weren't getting any reader comments and so I concocted this completely ridiculous field trip to get people reading the blog again. Since I'm friends with Scott, Lisa and Bart I didn't think there would be too much damage done especially since there's no mexican bus full of hecklers. Again thanks for reading the blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm not usually so mean. I don't like heckling. Esp. when it's my friends you're planning on heckling. It's shitty. If you don't like the music just don't go... Honestly, it's difficult to tell that this field trip plan is a joke. Just some feedback on your joke-making process. I wasn't the only one who believed this to be true. I take back my talentless bed-wetter comments. Now, be nice!

Elton Tom (this could be you!!! send us some dirt, good tips and stuff.) said...

Hey S.L.

thanks for the comment. We would never go and heckle our friends and we would never make those offensive t-shirts. (nobody commented about that!) But you're wrong about one thing, it's not so secret that we want to sleep with Bart! But he's like a brother to me so if it's at all dirty well, I better stop this comment now. (He did kiss me once. It was in the parking lot of El Cid in L.A. after a show we did together.) I tried to add touches to make people think the post was real, like missing the opening band, the t-shirts being american apparel. but I also tried to leave clues that is was a gag. We think it's cool that you took back the bed wetter comment! We'll try not to be so mean.

thanks again for the comments, bloggers live for comment! Pathetic I know!


M said...

S.L. is mean because he/she is like a faceless slasher. Like Michael Myers, the Headless Horseman or Jason. Who knows who they are. They appear as an extension of one's paranoia. You feel attacked by yourself.

Tom and Jeremy are funny and sweet - and they've at least had some character development. They're like Chucky, Jack Frost or something else cute and funny. They can mention absurd AIDS T-shirts... but they're funny about it. They're not like "your dad was an alcoholic, you peed the bed and you weren't cool in high school." Who wants to be reminded of that. Lame.

So if you're gonna really own up to your comments you should give us access to your MySpace/manhunt/bear411/fuzz.com/eHarmony/tribe.net or whatever page so we can see what you look like!

Elton Tom (this could be you!!! send us some dirt, good tips and stuff.) said...

My favorite is K, even after the cat was out of the bag, he or she refused to believe it!

My other favorite heckle comes from pfft,way out of left field! Kraft single, that's delightfully demented.

Erica Bowman said...

I'm honestly dissapointed this wasn't real. I was trying really hard to think of a good enough heckle so I could win and go to the show ! I was so stoked ! Or at least I could win a t-shirts.

Way to dissapoint me.

Also: to the haterz...like for real if your gonna do this, you can't be such fascists- honestl¥ if someone rounded up a mexican party bus full of people to heckle the Passionistas, I would be AMPED. I mean thats twenty heads at your show, plus a fun audience to try and win over.

ohnochriso said...

For real, you are getting all those hecklers' money! Good for you! I want more people at my band's shows. And if they heckle me and I don't like it I can throw my drumsticks at them.

NLS said...

I sooooo wanted this to be true!! So I'm just gonna pretend like it is/was:

The Lovemakers - I would just yell out the lyrics to their song "Shake That Ass" or maybe just Scott's falsetto bits!

Honeycutt - ummm howabout "Honeycutt - They Like to do it in the butt!" thank Hane for that one...

M said...

Aaron you should really get your own screen name so you don't have to use your girlfriends.

Anonymous said...

Dang it. You guys seem pretty sweet. I feel like a jerk for being mean to you. But you know what? I didn't get the joke. And besides, it's not really personal, you know? Since I don't know you personally.

I got protective, like a mother bear with her baby cubs (Honeycut).

I feel like we need a group hug.

NLS said...

Knock Knock

Who's There?

Full Blown AIDS

Elton Tom (this could be you!!! send us some dirt, good tips and stuff.) said...

Oh no! I just thought of something. What if someone rented the mexican party bus for a bachelorette party or something and they have the misfortune of driving by Bimbo's. I hope nobody gets hurt by pissed off Lovemakers and Honeycut fans!

Donna Lethal said...

NOT FAIR! i suggest a field trip to LA. we can do the 'dearly departed tour.'

perfect timing: the sarah silverman episode "i have aids" was on sat nite.

lost angeles