
R.I.P. N-word

Thousands Put The N-word To Rest

I know this doesn't have anything to do with World Famous In San Francisco but here is it anyway.

They held a funeral today in my hometown of Detroit. A horse-drawn carriage pulled a pine casket with a black wreath on top through the streets this morning and supposedly over a thousand people showed up.

Inside the casket: the N-word.

The esteemed mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, had this to say,

“You can’t just bury the N-word. You have to bury all the nonsense that comes with it, Good riddance. Die N-word. We don’t want to see you around here no more."

I wonder what was in the casket? Was it the chain Persia was forced to wear around her neck after repeatedly saying the N-word on VH1's White Rapper Show?

1 comment:

ohnochriso said...

It was Michael Richards, I bet. Still alive!